
1.       科研好点子从哪里来?
要做一流的学术,选题非常关键。一个好的课题,会使你在很短的时间内就能取得一些进展;一个前沿的课题,会使你站在巨人的肩膀上。为什么国内的一些学者,也做了很多工作,但是却发不出高档次的SCI论文,你可以说他们不屑得发,但其中很大一个原因是他们的选题”Out of date”,很难在国际期刊上激起读者的兴趣,甚至他们做的东东早已经有人做过了,即便其中有一些新东西,也很难让国际审稿人认同,因为审稿人一看到论文题目就会在他们的心里留下“这个问题,我们在七八十年代已经做过了”的印象,最后难逃拒稿的命运。那么怎么样选题呢?一个简单的办法是阅读国际顶级杂志最新发表的文章,看看他们都在搞什么?再结合自己的专业背景,或进行学科交叉,或查找缺陷、不足,或进行方法移植,这样选择的课题实际上已经和国外同行站在同一跑道上了。但由于别人已经有了一定的基础了,且稿件有一定的滞后性,他的加速度会比我们大,所以我们在具体搞研究时一定要另辟蹊径。等到我们自己开辟的路在国际上已经得到别人的认可并且成体系时,我们就可以沿着这条路继续前进了。总之,我的选题原则是“基于国际前沿,另辟蹊径”。
科学研究是需要方法的,而且是有方法的。我们在做化学实验时,需要先构思实验方案;在控制被控对象时,需要先设计控制算法。这些“构思”、“设计”等过程就是一个点子产生的过程。发文章也一样,一篇文章实际上就是一个点子。在做科研时有意识地用方法论去思考,会产生很多新的、好的点子。以燃料电池的控制为例:燃料电池是一个复杂的非线性系统,在做该系统的控制时,我们很自然地会想到先用线性的方法来解决。可是用线性的方法去控制非线性系统,控制效果不佳。这时就用到了辩证法中的“内外因”理论,充分利用系统的内因,即把系统的“状态”信息用于控制器的设计中,使控制效果得到提高。这部分成果发表于IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology上。通过进一步研究发现控制效果还有提高的余地,这时就试图用非线性的控制方法来解决。于是应用了辩证法中“局部与整体的关系”原理,提出了实时简化变论域的模糊控制方法,在整体上控制结构不变化,在局部上论域随着误差的变化而伸缩。从而实现了更精确的控制,使控制性能大大提高。这部分成果发表于European Journal of Control上。在做燃料电池控制时又遇到了需要用一个操作变量去控制两个被控变量的情形。用一个操作变量怎么能控制两个被控变量呢?采用辩证法中“抓主要矛盾”原理可以轻松解决。即在控制的某一时刻,以其中一个被控变量作为主要控制目标,在另一时刻,以另一被控变量作为主要控制目标,通过两个被控变量之间的交替控制作用,可以实现以一个操作变量去控制两个被控变量的目标。另外在科研的过程中,我还应用“类比法”、“移植法”,将模糊控制和预测控制用于网络化控制中,提出了基于线性模型预测和基于非线性模型预测的网络化预测模糊控制方法。由于本人现在工作比较繁忙,后几部分的科研成果正在陆续整理之中。
2.       怎样发表SCI文章?
第六条是注重细节,细节决定成败。文章尽量用专业的排版软件如Latex来处理。图片的清晰度要高,要美,一幅图要表现尽可能多的信息,但不要影响整体效果。参考文献的编写一定要规范,要尽可能引用所要发表期刊上的文章,国为期刊需要提高影响因子,需要你做贡献,有的期刊在文章发表前会直接提出此要求。公式,符号说明一定要表达清楚,该写的写,不该写的不要写。有很多期刊,外审前第一步就是要Technique Check,所以一定要在细节上下功夫。
下面我把我的一篇文章的投稿经历和大家分享一下(另一篇直接接收,四个审稿人的意见都很积极,没有代表性)。从Reject & Resubmit 到Accept,充分说明只要不被拒死,就是有希望的

Your IEEE proof is now available[/url]
发件人:”XXX” 加入通讯录
时 间:2009年1月29日(星期四) 上午04:12

Dr. XXX,
The proof for your article, XXXXXX, is ready for your review. Please access your proof via the user ID and password provided below. Kindly log in to the website within 48 HOURS of receiving this message so that we may expedite the publication process. Once you have accessed your proof, please return your comments and/or corrections within the time frame prescribed in the Notice to Authors, which you will find on the website along with your proof.
Please see the following instructions to retrieve your proof:
1. If your e-mail client software supports live Web browser links, please click on the Web browser link (URL) below to go to the login page to retrieve your proof.  If your mail client doesn’t support live links, run your browser software, copy the link below, paste it into the address box in your browser and press [Enter].
2. You should now see the IEEE Tools for Authors Article Proof Login page in your browser.
3. Please copy the User ID below and paste it into the User ID field in the Login box.
4. Please copy the password below and paste it into the Password field in the Login box.
5. Click on the “Sign In” button at the bottom of the Login box.
6. You should now see your article proof page, with links to download your proof and any associated documents.
URL: https://authorproof.ieee.org/tfa/authproof.do?journal=TCST&artID=XXX
User ID: XXX
Password: XXX
If for some reason your browser displays the IEEE Tools for Authors Article Proof Information Page instead of the IEEE Tools for Authors Article Proof Login Page, you will need to take one extra step before logging in: A. Simply copy the journal acronym listed below and paste it into the Journal Acronym field in the Article Proof Information box.
B. Do the same for the Article ID, copying and pasting it into the Article ID field.
C. Then, click on the “Continue” button at the bottom of the box.
D. Then, log in normally, as in steps 3-6 above.  Copy the User ID above and paste it into the User ID field in the Login box.
E. Please copy the password above and paste it into the Password field in the Login box.
F. Click on the “Sign In” button at the bottom of the Login box.
G. You should now see your article proof page, with links to download your proof and any associated documents.
Journal acronym: TCST
Article ID: XXX
If you have trouble accessing your proof site, please make sure that your browser’s security setting utilizes 128-bit SSL as it is necessary for access to your proof.
For Netscape. go to:
For Internet Explorer, go to:
If you are still having trouble, please make sure that you have captured the entire URL (sometimes it breaks to 2 lines).
If you have any problems or questions regarding this proof, please contact your IEEE staff editor by replying to this message. Thank you,
XXX, Associate Editor
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08855
Fax: 732-562-XXXX
Phone: 732-562-XXXX
E-mail: [url=mailto:XXX@ieee.org]XXX@ieee.org

Re: 10.1109/TCST.XXXX.XXXXXXX[/url]
发件人:”XXX” 加入通讯录
时 间:2009年3月4日(星期三) 下午21:28
This has been corrected. You will see the correct version when the issue is printed.
XXX, Associate Editor
IEEE Transactions/Journals
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08855
Phone: (732) 562-XXXX
Fax: (732) 562-XXXX
e-mail: [url=mailto:XXX@ieee.org]XXX@ieee.org
IEEE. Fostering technology innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
03/02/2009 02:45 AM

Dear XXX,

As the corrected poof of our paper has been uploaded in the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology journal website, we found that the information of some of the authors have not been properly printed according to the corrected proof that we provided. The proper information is as follows:

The authors information has been confused. Please correct them in time. Thank you!

Article No. XXX
Authors: XXX

Best Regards,

■ 改成Brief后再投
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology – Paper ID TCST-2007-XXXX[/url]
发件人:”ieeetcst” 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年5月8日(星期二) 上午09:38

Dear Mr. XXX:
Your paper entitled “XXXXXX” has been successfully submitted online and is presently being given full consideration for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
Your Paper ID is TCST-2007-XXXX.
Please mention the above Paper ID in all future correspondence or when calling the office for questions. If there are any changes in your street address or e-mail address, please log in to Manuscript Central at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcst  and edit your user information as appropriate.
You can also view the status of your submission at any time by checking your Author Center after logging in to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcst .
Thank you for submitting your paper to the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
Best Regards,
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Editorial Office

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology – TCST-2007-XXXX has been unsubmitted
发件人:”ieeetcst” 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年5月8日(星期二) 下午20:24

Dear  Mr. XXX:
Your Paper, TCST-2007-XXXX, entitled “XXXXXX” has been unsubmitted to the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.  It has been unsubmitted  because it exceeds the length requirements for a brief paper. The maximum length allowed for a brief paper is 8 single-spaced pages in a double column format or  16 double-spaced pages in a single column format.
Please adjust the length of your paper and re-submit the manuscript for consideration of publication.  You may contact the Editorial Office if you have further questions.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Editorial Office

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology – Paper ID TCST-2007-XXXX
发件人:”ieeetcst” 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年5月15日(星期二) 下午16:06

Dear Mr. XXX:
Your paper entitled “XXXXXX” has been successfully submitted online and is presently being given full consideration for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
Your Paper ID is TCST-2007-XXXX.
Please mention the above Paper ID in all future correspondence or when calling the office for questions. If there are any changes in your street address or e-mail address, please log in to Manuscript Central at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcst  and edit your user information as appropriate.
You can also view the status of your submission at any time by checking your Author Center after logging in to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcst .
Thank you for submitting your paper to the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
Best Regards,
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Editorial Office

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
发件人:”ieeetcst” 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年8月23日(星期四) 上午00:32

Dear Mr. XXX:
Thank you for your email. I have forwarded the request to your Associate Editor XXX and asked him to contact you directly. If you haven’t heard from in a week or so, please feel free to contact him directly at XXX@usouthal.edu. However, your paper’s decision due date is still more than a month away. We typically allow four months for the review process.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Re: Status of Revised Manuscript TCST-2007-XXXX
发件人:”ieeetcst” 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年10月4日(星期四) 上午00:49

Dear XXX,
Thank you for your email. The editor handling your paper is awaiting the rest of the reviews for your paper and has taken steps to remind the reviewers to turn in their reports. I expect he will contact you in the next few weeks, as soon as he has made a decision.
All best,
XXX wrote:
Dear Editors,

Thank you for your handling our manuscript.
I am very sorry for the previous emails because of not knowing the routine time of review for your journal.

Our revised paper
‘TCST-2007-XXXX         XXXXXX’
has been reviewed for over four months.
Would you like to give us some information about it?

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
发件人:”ieeetcst” 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年12月5日(星期三) 上午01:22

Dear Mr. XXX:
Your paper is currently out for  review. The associate editor handling you paper is awaiting one last review, which is due any day, before he make a decision on your paper. I hope that we will have an answer for you in the next few weeks.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology – Decision on Manuscript ID TCST-2007-XXXX
时 间:2007年12月22日(星期六) 上午08:01
抄    送:”ieeetcst

Dear Mr. XXX:
The paper “XXXXXX” which you have submitted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology has been reviewed.  A copy of the Associate Editor Report and copies of the reviews are included at the bottom of this letter.
I am pleased to report that your manuscript is acceptable for publication as a brief paper.  Please consider the comments contained in the reviews, and send a copy of the revised manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief as soon as convenient.  Please note that authors have a maximum of six months to revise their manuscript.  If this time is exceeded, the paper must go through the entire review process as in the case of a new submission.
Attached are PDF files for the Publication Checklist and Copyright Form.  You can submit the copyright electronically by clicking the “Create ECF” button next to the accepted manuscript listed in your Author Center, but you will still need to send the acknowledgment with the rest of the checklist materials.
Prof. XXX
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Editor-in-Chief’s address:
Professor Francis J. Doyle III
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
University of California, Santa Barbara
Chemical Engineering Department
Santa Barbara, CA  93106-5080
Reviewer(s)’ Comments to Author:
Reviewer: 1
Comments to the Author
I believe that the authors have made a serious and thorough effort to address all the issues ans points of criticism raised by the reviewers. However, they still need to:
i) take a final look and improve the English in various parts of the text
ii) show that all assumptions and conditions of the paper’s theoretical section are met in the case study under consideration.
Reviewer: 2
Comments to the Author
(There are no comments)
Manuscript ID TCST-2007-XXXX is now in your Admin Center; ready for production checklist
发件人:”ieeetcst” 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年12月22日(星期六) 上午08:01

Dear Mr. XXX:
Manuscript ID TCST-2007-XXXX entitled “XXXXXX” with Mr. XXX as submitting author, has been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
Please send the production checklist for this manuscript as soon as possible.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Editorial Office

IEEE Copyright Transfer Confirmation for Article:XXXXXX
时 间:2008年5月14日(星期三) 下午16:28

IEEE Copyright Transfer Confirmation Receipt:
Publication Title: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Article Title: XXXXXX
Author E-mail: XXX@sina.com
You have successfully completed the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form, a copy of
the fully executed Form is attached here for your records.
Please be sure to save this e-mail for any future reference.
If you have any questions about this process, please be sure to contact the
IEEE Intellectual Property Rights Office at:
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway.NJ 08854-XXXX
Phone: +1 732 562 XXXX
Fax: +1 732 562 XXXX
E-mail: mailto:copyrights@ieee.org
Once again, congratulations, and thank you for being an IEEE author.
IEEE Intellectual Property Rights
E-mail: [url=mailto:XXX@ieee.org]mailto:XXX@ieee.org[/url]

Receipt of Checklist Items[/url]
发件人:”ieeetcst” [url=http://mail3-128.sinamail.sina.com.cn/uc/gettpl.php?t=readmail&ts=1258438534187_4]加入通讯录
时 间:2008年6月6日(星期五) 上午03:25

Dear Mr. XXX:
Thank you for sending us your checklist items. I have everything I
need to send your paper to the publisher when papers are next due. When your galley
proofs are ready, you will receive an e-mail notification and instructions from the
publisher. Please note that we have had three back to back special issues this year and that has created a backlog of papers. However, we are in the midst of implementing
a rapid post procedure so that papers will be available online sooner than they appear in print.
Congratulations on the acceptance of your paper.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology

Your IEEE proof is now available[/url]
发件人:”XXX” 加入通讯录
时 间:2009年1月29日(星期四) 上午04:12

Dr. XXX,
The proof for your article, XXXXXX, is ready for your review. Please access your proof via the user ID and password provided below. Kindly log in to the website within 48 HOURS of receiving this message so that we may expedite the publication process. Once you have accessed your proof, please return your comments and/or corrections within the time frame prescribed in the Notice to Authors, which you will find on the website along with your proof.
Please see the following instructions to retrieve your proof:
1. If your e-mail client software supports live Web browser links, please click on the Web browser link (URL) below to go to the login page to retrieve your proof.  If your mail client doesn’t support live links, run your browser software, copy the link below, paste it into the address box in your browser and press [Enter].
2. You should now see the IEEE Tools for Authors Article Proof Login page in your browser.
3. Please copy the User ID below and paste it into the User ID field in the Login box.
4. Please copy the password below and paste it into the Password field in the Login box.
5. Click on the “Sign In” button at the bottom of the Login box.
6. You should now see your article proof page, with links to download your proof and any associated documents.
URL: https://authorproof.ieee.org/tfa/authproof.do?journal=TCST&artID=XXX
User ID: XXX
Password: XXX
If for some reason your browser displays the IEEE Tools for Authors Article Proof Information Page instead of the IEEE Tools for Authors Article Proof Login Page, you will need to take one extra step before logging in: A. Simply copy the journal acronym listed below and paste it into the Journal Acronym field in the Article Proof Information box.
B. Do the same for the Article ID, copying and pasting it into the Article ID field.
C. Then, click on the “Continue” button at the bottom of the box.
D. Then, log in normally, as in steps 3-6 above.  Copy the User ID above and paste it into the User ID field in the Login box.
E. Please copy the password above and paste it into the Password field in the Login box.
F. Click on the “Sign In” button at the bottom of the Login box.
G. You should now see your article proof page, with links to download your proof and any associated documents.
Journal acronym: TCST
Article ID: XXX
If you have trouble accessing your proof site, please make sure that your browser’s security setting utilizes 128-bit SSL as it is necessary for access to your proof.
For Netscape. go to:
For Internet Explorer, go to:
If you are still having trouble, please make sure that you have captured the entire URL (sometimes it breaks to 2 lines).
If you have any problems or questions regarding this proof, please contact your IEEE staff editor by replying to this message. Thank you,
XXX, Associate Editor
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08855
Fax: 732-562-XXXX
Phone: 732-562-XXXX
E-mail: [url=mailto:XXX@ieee.org]XXX@ieee.org

Re: 10.1109/TCST.XXXX.XXXXXXX[/url]
发件人:”XXX” 加入通讯录
时 间:2009年3月4日(星期三) 下午21:28
This has been corrected. You will see the correct version when the issue is printed.
XXX, Associate Editor
IEEE Transactions/Journals
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08855
Phone: (732) 562-XXXX
Fax: (732) 562-XXXX
e-mail: [url=mailto:XXX@ieee.org]XXX@ieee.org
IEEE. Fostering technology innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
03/02/2009 02:45 AM

Dear XXX,

As the corrected poof of our paper has been uploaded in the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology journal website, we found that the information of some of the authors have not been properly printed according to the corrected proof that we provided. The proper information is as follows:

The authors information has been confused. Please correct them in time. Thank you!

Article No. XXX
Authors: XXX

Best Regards,




