International Workshop on the Poverty-Growth-Inequality Triangle in China and other countries ( ser2018wuhan )

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Special Issue on the Poverty-Growth-Inequality Triangle in China and other Countries


The Institute of World Economy at Fudan University and the School of Business Management at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law will hold an international workshop on October 25-26, 2018 in Wuhan, China. The theme of the workshop is the poverty-growth-inequality triangle in China and other countries.

Subject to the usual review process of Singapore Economic Review, a selection of papers from this call-for-papers and from this workshop will be published in a special issue.

For those papers selected for the workshop, one author of each paper will be provided with return air tickets (economy class), local airport transfers, three nights of accommodation and meals during the workshop. Presentation and attendance at the workshop is not necessary for publication consideration in the special issue.


Guest Editors

Guanghua Wan (Fudan University)

Haitao Wu (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)

Yuan Zhang (Fudan University)


Synopsis and Subject Coverage


Poverty reduction represents one of the most important objectives of development, as evidenced by its prominence in both the MDGs and SDGs. In this context, China’s achievement is as remarkable as her growth record. In fact, the Millennium Development Goal on poverty reduction could not have been achieved if China was excluded. On the other hand, inequality in China and elsewhere has risen dramatically, undermining both growth and growth impact on poverty. While growth in China and related issues have been analyzed extensively, poverty and to some extent inequality in China has received much less attention. In particular, little has been published on the implications of China’s poverty reduction and worsening distribution for other economies.


This special issue will focus on the theme of poverty and inequality in China and other countries. We are interested in rigorous papers on the drivers and impacts of poverty and inequality and their changes. Preference will be given to theoretical and empirical insights on various aspects of the theme including – but not restricted to – the following areas:


  1. The Poverty-growth-inequality triangle


Poverty reduction can be achieved by promoting growth, holding inequality constant; and/or by improving distribution holding growth constant. Potential contributors can examine the growth and inequality trends and estimate the contributions of growth and distributional changes to poverty reductions. It is also useful to explore to what extent initial inequality matters for growth to affect poverty.


A stylized fact is that no country can sustain its growth or poverty reduction without undergoing structural transformation. It is thus interesting to study the inter-relationship between structural change, poverty and inequality, focusing on the issues of technology upgrading, mobility of factors within and across borders (capital and skilled/unskilled labor), migration/remittance and urban-rural integration.


  1. Drivers of Poverty and Inequality


Resource endowments and their effective utilization hold the key for poverty reduction. These include both private resources (e.g., education, training, health and social capital) and public resources (e.g., road/telecommunication/electricity/school/hospital and other infrastructures, efficient markets for inputs such as credits and for products such as farming produce) and institutional arrangements. Analytical attention should be paid to both macro and micro variables that can affect the poverty status of an individual or household.


To identify and analyze drivers of income distribution, the regression-based inequality decomposition technique can be used.


  1. Roles of government in poverty reduction


For government to play a role in fighting poverty, it is vital to identify the real poor and take the appropriate and possibly differentiated measures for different groups of poor individuals. Here, researchers can focus on definitions of poverty (income-based, wealth-based, or multidimensional), targeting mechanisms, and impact evaluation of government interventions.


It is important to point out that the roles of government are not limited to relief and social protection. More fundamental are transparent, equitable and efficient provision of social services and special policies to assist the poor (e.g., minimum wage, food coupons, subsided loans, tax cuts and so on). Also note that a successful policy in one area/region/country may not work in other locations. Thus, in conducting impact evaluation, it is vital to spell out conditions and pre-requisites for successes and reasons for failures.


  1. Comparative analyses


The growth-poverty-inequality triangle is complex and may take quite different forms in different countries. For example, growth in China brought about dramatic poverty reduction but this is not the case in Mongolia. As another example, fast growth was accompanied by stable income distribution when Japan and Korea took off but this is not the case for Vietnam and China. Therefore, it would be quite useful to conduct comparative studies when exploring the growth-poverty-inequality triangle.


In particular, we encourage submissions to focus on how globalization and urbanization are related to poverty and inequality in different economies, with a special aim to facilitate mutual learning for different countries to fight poverty and inequality.


Submission Procedure:


Workshop contributors should submit their full papers in English by July 15th, 2018 via the webpage:, clearly indicting that the paper is submitted to the Special Issue on Growth-Poverty-Inequality Triangle in China and other Countries. There is no submission fee. The corresponding authors of accepted papers will be notified by August 15th, 2018.


Soon after the workshop, the guest editors, in consultation with the journal editors, will invite submissions of revised papers for publication consideration. The revised papers must be prepared according to the “Guideline for Contributors” (see of Singapore Economic Review. They will go through a double-blind refereeing process.



For further questions\inquiries, please visit or contact the guest editor(s) at




Ms. Yiyi Bai

School of Business Management

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China


Tel: ++86-13164679108, Fax:++86 27 88386757




