
Unethical behaviour “can lead to rejection and even a ban from publishing in the journal”   Terry M. Phillips, Editor, J.Chromatography B

Multiple submissions

Redundant publications


Data fabrication and falsification

Improper use of human subjects and animals in research

Improper author contribution


Multiple submissions save your time but waste editors’ time.

The editorial process of your manuscripts will be stopped if duplicated submission is discovered.

Even competing journals constantly exchange information on suspicious papers.

Do not send your manuscripts to a second journal UNTIL you receive the final decision of the first journal.


“Presenting the data or interpretations of others without crediting them, and thereby gaining for yourself the rewards earned by others, is theft, and it eliminates the motivation of working scientists to generate new data and interpretations.”

– Bruce Railsback, Professor, Dept. Geology, Univ. Georgia

Plagiarism:  tempting a short-cut with  long-term consequences

Plagiarism is considered a serious offense by your institute, by journal editors and by the scientific community.


Plagiarism may result in academic charges, and will certainly cause rejection of your paper.


Plagiarism will hurt your reputation in the scientific community.


Paraphrasing is restating someone else’s ideas while not copying literally.


Unacceptable paraphrasing includes:

using phrases from the original source without quotation marks;

Keeping the sentence structure even when using different wording;

Keeping the paragraph organization even when using different wording or sentence structure.


Unacceptable paraphrasing–even with correct citation–is considered plagiarism.


– Statement on Plagiarism. Dept. Biology, Davidson College.


Data fabrication and falsification     (数据造假)

Fabrication is making up data or results, and recording or reporting them.

“… the fabrication of research data … hits at the heart of our responsibility to society, the reputation of our institution, the trust between the public and the biomedical research community, and our personal credibility and that of our mentors, colleagues…”

“It can waste the time of others, trying to replicate false data or designing experiments based on false premises, and can lead to therapeutic errors. It can not be tolerated.”

  1. Hawkes, Dept. Cell Biology and Anatomy, Univ. Calgary

Unethical Behaviour

Data fabrication and falsification


Falsification is manipulating research materials,       equipment, processes; or changing / omitting data  or  results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.

Select data to fit a preconceived hypothesis:

“an experiment is not included because it ‘did not work’,

show ‘representative’ images that do not reflect the    total data set, data that do not fit are simply shelved.”




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